
Tracy Buckingham Tracy Buckingham

Just stop feeling anxious…!!

When dogs bark at other dogs / people / cars / cyclists / joggers / children / *enter any other random thing here* it is often because of their emotional state – They may be fearful or anxious or possibly over aroused & excited. There’s almost ALWAYS a reason for any behaviour. There will be something causing it. It will be an emotional response to something ….

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Tracy Buckingham Tracy Buckingham

“Cor blimey, so you speak dog then??!”

When Hunter first arrived he was a growly, barky, lunging soul who was very unsure of many situations. He trusted nothing & no one. No one could walk up to him for a fuss without him barking at them, confidently approaching them whilst doing so (not cowering away) he was ready to take on the world and would defend himself with all of his might.

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Tracy Buckingham Tracy Buckingham

Let’s Talk About the Pet Corrector Spray

A large, well known, Pet Superstore advertises this product as:

The Pet Corrector training aid can really help, by simply, quickly and effectively retraining unwanted behaviours including excessive barking, jumping up and stealing ..... Lets look at that for a moment ......

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Tracy Buckingham Tracy Buckingham

So, you think your dog is stubborn?

Everyone has their favourite breed of dog. "Breed Enthusiasts" who have either owned, bred, rescued, been involved with or just have a general all round love & admiration for a particular breed of dog.

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Tracy Buckingham Tracy Buckingham

Thank you, Kurt

When I adopted Kurt he had quite a nasty bite history. In fact, he put his last owner in hospital after a full blown attack …. I use the word "attack" … Not a bite / release … A full on attack, up & down & all over her body.

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